Vision and Ethos
Abbey Primary School’s Vision Statement
“A caring, sharing, achieving school, putting the child at the heart of everything we do”
At the heart of our vision for Abbey lies the child. All children are different, all children are special and should be treated as such. Our primary purpose is to enhance the quality of children’s learning through the effective and efficient delivery of the curriculum. We are committed to honesty, sensitivity and responsibility in all relationships. We will adopt a philosophy of continuous improvement in every aspect of the school’s work and life.
The Aims of our School
- To create a stimulating and attractive learning environment where children feel happy, safe, secure and respected.
- To ensure through careful planning and assessment, that each child receives a curriculum which, enables them to achieve their potential.
- To encourage pupils to recognise and be proud of their social and academic achievements and to value the achievements of others.
- To help pupils develop a caring attitude towards other people, a sense of responsibility and respect for the wider community.
- To ensure pupils develop into independent learners and thinkers with a thirst for learning.
- To promote co-operation between home and school and the wider community, encouraging high expectations at all times in the pursuit of excellence.
ONE Academy Trust - Vision and Values
The vision and ethos of Abbey Primary School sit firmly within those of the ONE Academy Trust which can be found by clicking the link below.