Geography Subject Intent Statement
Geography is a wider curriculum focus subject, taught via discrete lessons.
The curriculum aligns with the requirements of the National Curriculum; it is progressive in nature and develops in complexity and ambition.
Pupils begin their geographical journey by exploring places and concepts that are tangible and concrete, before the scope of learning broadens, enabling them to make comparisons between their immediate locality and locations further afield.
There is an emphasis on pupils understanding their place in the world, alongside the significance of their contributions in undertaking the responsibilities required to sustain their world for future generations.
Pupils receive a contextually relevant learning experience that considers their needs and interests within our unique community, as well inviting them to appreciate the beauty, significance and challenges faced within our ever-changing world.
Emphasis is placed on the National Curriculum’s four strands of substantive geographical knowledge:
Locational Knowledge
Place Knowledge
Environmental, Physical and Human Geography
Geographical Skills and Fieldwork
Key concepts are revisited in increasing depth, enabling pupils to draw upon deeply embedded prior knowledge.
These are:
Space and Place – Scale and Connection – Proximity and Distance – Relational Thinking
Our Geography curriculum develops pupils who:
- Enjoy geography and are inspired to pursue enquiries as a result of their growing curiosity and fascination
- Develop locational knowledge of globally significant places – terrestrial and marine - including their defining physical and human characteristics
- Can explain the processes that provide the catalyst for key physical and human geographical features within the world, including the changes these bring about
- Collect, analyse and communicate data gathered through fieldwork, thus deepening their understanding of geographical processes
- Interpret a range of sources of geographical information e.g. maps, diagrams, globes etc.
- Communicate their geographical understanding in a range of ways