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Abbey Primary School

A caring, sharing, achieving school, putting the child at the heart of everything we do.

Mrs Townsend's Class

Castleton Residential 


Treak Cliff Cavern

D&T - Nutrition and Cooking 

Science - Shadow investigation 

World Book Day 2024

Computing - Stop Motion Animation


Still image for this video

Santa down the chimney

Still image for this video

Jingle Jog at Sherwood Pines

Science - Investigating the permeability of soil 

Science - exploring soil layers 

Remembrance Day

The children enjoyed a morning assembly where thy had opportunities to reflect on the sacrifices made by others in the past that have allowed us to live more peaceful lives. The children had generously brought in lots of pennies which they then used to decorate a large poppy on the school playground. All the donations will go to the poppy appeal. 

Stone Age Art

The children have been working on a project to make a Stone Age axe. They explore creating shapes with newspaper and then used papier mache to ensure their axe handles and axe heads statues firm. The children then painted them before they were joined together with string. The children also began creating a paint wash background in preparation for designing Stonehenge silhouettes. 

Creswell Crags

We had a fantastic day, the sun shone and the children demonstrated so much knowledge that they have gained from the Stone Age topic this half term. They thoroughly enjoyed working together to make Mesolithic style home and learn how they would have made a fire in those times. They also got to have a go at spear throwing testing out their hunting skills. As we walked deeper into a cave, where people would have been back in the Ice Age, the children learnt more about how they used flint to make tools and got to experience what it would have felt to be in the pitch black. Finally we got to share our knowledge of rock with our guide for the day and have a go at classifying lots of different sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. What an amazing time we had!

Art - Papier Mache

To begin our art project based around the technique of papier mache, we did some observation sketched of a Stone Age axe. We then investigated how best to roll, fold and scrunch newspaper to create the shapes we would need to create our own Stone Age axe. 

Science - Rocks

Can we identify the properties of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks? The children generated some fantastic vocabulary for describing the properties of the different rocks, classifying them and discussing the similarities and differences between them. 

