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Abbey Primary School

A caring, sharing, achieving school, putting the child at the heart of everything we do.

Miss Bytheway's Class

Year Four have been combining their scientific and DT knowledge to research, design, create and evaluate traffic lights! The children spent the first few lessons looking at electrical circuits again as well as researching traffic lights to understand how they are similar and different around the world. They used this knowledge to plan and create their very own traffic light, thinking very carefully about how they constructed the outer shell and how they housed the electrical component within. The children enjoyed celebrating their wonderful creations and testing whether or not they served their purpose. We ended the week evaluating our traffic lights and thinking about what we liked about our designs and how we would improve if we were to make them again in the future. What a brilliant week where the children showed creativity and teamwork! 

During the Summer term, Year 4 are learning all about the very famous artist 'Hokusai.' Over the past few weeks we have been practicing skills such as colour mixing and sketching to scale. We have started to bring these skills together in out final piece of artwork. We can't wait to see the final outcomes as these are looking AMAZING so far!

World Book Day 2024

In our DT unit we planned, made and evaluated our delicious pasties linking to our RE learning.

Creating a beautiful Tudor rose from clay!

RE - Diwali Dance Workshop

Year 4 took part in an amazing Diwali workshop to learn about Diwali through the medium of dance. It was fantastic to learn about good conquering evil, and light conquering dark whilst having so much fun! 

Anti-bullying Week

For anti-bullying week Year 4 have read the lovely book ‘Monty the Manatee’. This book explores themes of bullying and friendship and emphasises the importance of being kind. Once we read the story we got creative and drew different scenes from the story, in each scene we thought about how Monty would be feeling and the behaviours that caused him to feel this way. Most importantly, we thought about what we would do in this situation to ‘make a noise’ about bullying!

Sketching and Painting our Tudor Monarchs

Year 4 have taken to the art room to create beautiful portraits of the Tudor monarchs! We began by thinking of proportion when sketching, then used the colours red, white and yellow to make the perfect skin tone. We then added the finer details to our portraits and the outcomes are AMAZING! 

Our Remembrance Day Poppy

Science - Investigating Sound

During Science this half term Year 4 have been looking at sound. We conducted experiments to see how vibrations work and how they travel through different mediums. During our experiments, we witnessed the tuning fork making the water ripple due to the vibrations. We also discovered that the closer the rice was to the object hitting the drum, the higher it bounced as the vibration was stronger. 

Vikings - The burial at Sutton Hoo

During our History topic this half term we have learnt so much about the Vikings! We looked closely at sources that were found at the burial of Sutton Hoo and thought about what that meant for a time that was once described as the ‘dark ages.’
