Mrs Townsend
PE - learning how to communicate effectively in teams!
Science - layers of the Earth

Children’s Mental Health Week
Art - tint, tones and shades

Art - colour mixing to make tertiary colours

Computing - programming the sprites using motion blocks

Linking our Geography and PE learning through the use of 2-figure grid references!
Science - Producer, consumer or decomposed?

Geography - in our first geography lesson of the term we learnt the ordinal compass points, labelled the regions of he world (including the southern and northern hemisphere) and then used our new knowledge to describe the location of different continents in relation to the UK
English experience lesson - An interview with the Big Bad Wolf!
The children have had a great week getting ready for Christmas!
Jingle Jog!
Stags - Penalty Shoot Out

R.E - Romans Workshop
Computing - evaluating our stop motion creations
Children in Need 2024

Mansfield Town - training session ready for the penalty competition
Art - our finished Stone Age axes using papier mache
Diwali Dance Workshop - the children enjoyed retelling the story of Rama and Sita through the medium of dance .

Computing - making a pictures move, creating our own flip books to make the stick man wave

Art - making our Stone Age style axes using papier mache technique

English - identifying features of a fact file
History - analysing sources to find out how things changed between the Stone Age and Bronze age
D&T - developing our peeling and grating skills to make potato Rossi as part of our Harvest celebrations
Paul Cookson Poetry Workshop - we created a poem all about the Stone Ag


Science - What do we use pumice, slate and chalk for and why?

Maths- adding ones to a three digit number when the ones cross then
Science - investigating the permeability of metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous rock (slate, chalk and pumice)

Music - composing our own music using different rhythms