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Abbey Primary School

A caring, sharing, achieving school, putting the child at the heart of everything we do.

Mrs Savage

Science - we are continuing our learning on animals including humans. This week we looked at pictures of adult animals and their offspring, matched them together and then labelled them with their names.

Geography - we used atlases and online maps to find the continents

Geography - we have been practising our knowledge of the UK by completing jigsaws of maps! It was quite tricky but we used our learning from last year to help us!

Resilience- the children had fun this week practicing being resilient when working as a team. Each team was given the challenge of playing keepie uppie with a balloon. The children had to work together to keep their balloon in the air for the longest time. This was easy at first but when Mrs Savage began to introduce new rules, the challenge became trickier!

Xmas party fun !

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Enjoying the parlour games at Newstead Abbey !

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During PE we practised the hockey skills that we had been taught.

During our history about The Victorians, we had a real experience of what it was like for Victorian children in their school.

In science we were measuring our pulse to see the changes after different exercises.

Perfecting our sketching skills! We worked with Mrs Ransford to practise some sketching skills, then had a go at sketching the missing half of a portrait of Queen Victoria!

This week we were shown how to do a Diwali dance ,during a workshop ,check out our moves.

Diwali dance workshop1.

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Diwali dance 2.

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Here we are practising our football skills with Stags ,ready for the penalty shootout.

This week we have been adding more effects to our Great Fire of London scenes, using collaging.

We have been practising our art skills this week with Mr Kemp. Here we are painting some Tudor houses and sponge printing backgrounds for our Great Fire of London art. Stay tuned for more developments!

During DT this week we peeled and chopped vegetables in readiness for our vegetable soup, using the bridge technique .This was linked to this weeks Harvest Festival.We also sorted out where the food came from ,with different activities.

We had a great afternoon working outside on Friday, learning how to build a wattle and daub wall like they would have done in the 1600s! We also made new bakeries for Thomas Farriner out of different materials.

Here we are extending our knowledge about The Great Fire of London, with a visit from 'Alfresco Learning' linked to our history learning

Look at us practising our throwing and catching this week, building on what we learnt last week in PE!

We have been practising our ball skills in PE! Look at us in action, throwing and catching!
