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Abbey Primary School

A caring, sharing, achieving school, putting the child at the heart of everything we do.

Miss Coleman

English experience day - Exploring cinquain poems.

Science - Learning how to use thermometers by exploring temperatures of different liquids.

Geography - creating posters to identify features of a river.

RE - Retelling the story of Ruth and Naomi through drama.

Science - Exploring the states of matter (solids, liquids and gases)

Computing - What is a website?

PE - Forward rolls, log rolls and teddy bear rolls.

RE - Exploring the similarities and differences between the ways that Muslims and Christians pray.

English experience lesson - Researching about Tudor life.

Science - Investigating pitch and amplitude using a ukulele and a recorder.

History - Exploring the impact that the Vikings still have on modern day place names.

Music - Ukuleles with Mr Kirkland

History - Exploring artefacts found at Sutton Hoo through secondary sources

Music - Singing with Mr Kirkland

Science - Investigating sound vibrations

Computing - Exploring networks and the internet

History - Sutton Hoo Burial
